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"We cannot thank the staff in A&E enough"

About: Emergency department / GP Out of Hours Emergency department / Unscheduled Care

(as a parent/guardian),

We brought my 6 month old baby to Altnagelvin A&E after being advised by out of hours due to his laboured breathing. We arrived and were triaged within half an hour by a fantastic and kind nurse called Megan. Shortly after that our baby was seen by another lovely doctor and checked thoroughly. He was diagnosed with bronchiolitis. We cannot thank the staff in A&E enough for the care and treatment of our precious baby, they do not get enough credit for the amazing job they do. Thank you. 

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Response from Fiona McCauley, Practice Educator Emergency Department Altnagelvin, Acute Services Emergency Department Unscheduled Care, WHSCT 16 months ago
Fiona McCauley
Practice Educator Emergency Department Altnagelvin, Acute Services Emergency Department Unscheduled Care,
Submitted on 07/02/2023 at 17:22
Published on Care Opinion at 17:22

picture of Fiona McCauley

Hi Aimfm93,

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. I am so glad to hear that you and your son had a positve experience in what must have been such a frightening time. I will pass your kind words on to Megan and the rest of the team.

I hope your baby boy is recovering well

Best wishes,


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