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"One nurse who ruins it"

About: The Ulster Hospital / Ward 4B

(as the patient),

Every nurse that tended to my recovery was so caring and compassionate, which helped me make a quicker recovery by helping me able to keep my stress levels to a minimum. I am so grateful for every nurse working in the health service and the time and energy they give to nursing patients better. 

It pains me to have to say some negative about my days leading to recovery , however I feel it’s necessary to raise the point, as there was one nurse who showed time and time and again the zero care they had for patient wellbeing.

I myself had my appendix removed and post-surgery was later discovered I also had gallstones. I was in excruciating pain for an episode during the day post-surgery. The nurse in Ward 4B came to my room and told me I should not be in this much pain for kidney stones, which is completely irrelevant to anything I had.

Later in the day I had buzzed the nurses for some assistance for going to the bathroom, but after 30 minutes of nobody coming I tried to stand up myself. I was not in a fit condition to move and got stuck frozen standing on the edge of the bed, unable to move. I was crying for a nurse to come and help me sit back down on the bed. The nurse peaked their head in the door, looked right into my eyes and closed the door shut, leaving me screaming for help and managing to get myself onto the bed after 15 minutes of what felt like pure hell.

I hate to have to write a story like this, because 99% of the nurses and treatment I received were amazing and I couldn’t have asked for anything else. It would pain me to think that another patient would be in that much pain and discomfort and refused to be tended to by nurses who are there to care. I raised this point in the hope that situations like this will not happen again. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Conor Campbell, Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement, South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust 16 months ago
Conor Campbell
Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement,
South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust

Assurance and improvement

Submitted on 30/01/2023 at 10:13
Published on Care Opinion at 10:13

picture of Conor Campbell

Hi requirementgs45

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Whilst it is great to hear that so much of your care was of good quality, I am sorry to know that one staff member has not treated you to the standards of care and compassion that we aspire to deliver.

I have alerted the ward manager to your experience and you will either hear directly from the ward manager or further from myself.

Should you wish to have your individual care journey exlpored and responded to, please contact me at to provide your full details in order that I may share same with ward management.

I apologise to you for what should have been better through your care journey and thank you for raising these points for service leadership to consider and respond to.

Best wishes


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