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"High quality service"

About: Royal Victoria Hospital / Ophthalmology

(as a parent/guardian),

Brought teenage son for assessment following referral from optician after hit by football.  Fantastic service.  Seen by nurse and doctor promptly.  Small retinal tear and was able to have Laser within 1 hour.  Professional staff who took time to explain everything in detail. High quality service. Thank you

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Response from Wendy Dobbin, Interim Assistant Service Manager, Ophthalmology, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust 16 months ago
Wendy Dobbin
Interim Assistant Service Manager, Ophthalmology,
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 27/01/2023 at 16:59
Published on Care Opinion at 17:01

Dear MandyC

Many thanks for your positive feedback following you and your son's recent visit to Eye Casualty. I hope your son is continuing to do well.

I have passed on your compliments to the Eye Casualty team. I know they will be delighted to receive them.

Wendy Dobbin

Interim Assistant Service Manager Ophthalmology

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

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