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"Opal House Wythenshawe hospital"

About: Wythenshawe Hospital / Opal House

(as a relative),

Received a voicemail from a carer at Opal House to say that my mum was to be discharged and if keys weren’t immediately made available then they would enlist a locksmith to change the locks and gain entrance to an empty house with no central heating, hot water and anyone being there to support her.

In other words, breaking and entry without consent which constitutes criminal damage. I found their  tone was sarcastic, condescending, bullying and threatening and more importantly totally uncaring and without consideration to my mum’s situation.

If this is the attitude and approach they take in dealing with old people, then they had no place working with them. I have found it to be absolutely shocking, disgusting and could have potentially fatal consequences.

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Response from Oliver Melia, Patient Experience Coordinator, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust 16 months ago
Oliver Melia
Patient Experience Coordinator,
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 30/01/2023 at 09:50
Published on Care Opinion at 09:58

We were very sorry to receive your comments and concerns via the NHS Choices website about the care and experience you and your mother received in Opal House at Wythenshawe Hospital. We are aware of the circumstances surrounding the complexities of your Mother's discharge and we take all issues surrounding patient care and treatment very seriously. We would very much like to hear from you directly about your experience. If you contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service on 0161 276 8686 or by e-mailing quoting reference number PO22/01540019 they will be able to discuss this with you.

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