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"Reassured by advice and support given"

About: Health visiting / Angus Health Visiting

(as a parent/guardian),

Spoke with health visitor over concerns about my son, reassured by advice and support given 

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Response from Audrey Rhind, Senior Nurse, Health Visiting, Women, Children & Families, NHS Tayside about a year and a half ago
Audrey Rhind
Senior Nurse, Health Visiting, Women, Children & Families,
NHS Tayside
Submitted on 06/01/2023 at 13:04
Published on Care Opinion at 13:04

Dear parent,

Thank you very much for taking the time to provide positive feedback regarding the advice and support you have received from your health visitor.

All feedback both positive and not so positive, is extremely beneficial to the health visiting service as it allows us to make required changes and/or improvements when required to continually improve the standards of care offered.

Feedback is also important to individual health visitors and if you are in agreement I would appreciate receiving the name of the health visitor by email so I can share this story directly with them.

My email address is

Kindest Regards


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